Friday, February 16, 2007


Toothpaste For Dinner

This comic sort of reminds me of my current job. Of course I don't write in iambic pentameter. But because writing a decent email is a hard thing to do and people seem to lack the skill. Although I also find it interesting that because it is known that I have various English degrees I am listened to and read more closely so that my language can be picked apart on the off chance I make a mistake. I rarely attack people's usage and grammar, I don't like playing grammar police, and only do so if I've been asked to edit something. But, the more it gets done to me the more I want to do it to other people and honestly, once I started here I might never stop.
And, I work in a library.
This doesn't have anything to do with what I've read, but since it's about writing I think it somehow fits into the overall theme of my blog.
And, if it's not grammatically correct I don't really care.

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