Monday, February 26, 2007

Jane Eyre

I loved Jane Eyre. I read it quite a long time ago and for class and I didn't have that high of expectations. But, I loved it. And I still do.
I am not sure what made me think of it, maybe the bad weather, I think of Victorian literature and I think of rain. Even if the stories don't involve great scenes of rain my mind always pictures the great love scenes or climaxes happening in the rain. Maybe I just like the idea.
But, anyway, Jane Eyre. I just really love the idea that Jane and Mr. Rochester overcame so many obstacles to find each other.
Although, I know this is not the most feminist standpoint and I know that many women's studies advocates would argue that his treatment of his wife, and even of Jane make Mr. Rochester a bad guy and that he doesn't come back to Jane until he's been crippled and cannot function the way he had been. But, I don't care.
I am sure if we read into everything then nothing could be taken at face value, and of course in my class I had to analyze all parts of the novel, so here I don't think I have to and I don't have to defend feminism and I can just say that I really loved the story and leave it at that.
And with this, "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you."
So good.

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