Friday, February 9, 2007

just finished reading...

I had jury duty recently and decided to use the time to catch up on some reading. I took a nature literature class for my MA, in the fall of 2005, where we read Dawn, by Ocatvia Butler, this is the first novel in her Xenogenesis series. I am normally not that big of a sci-fi fan, however I was fascinated by this novel and intended to finish the trilogy. I came across Adulthood Rites, the second in the trilogy, last summer and did not read it until the late fall. However, I was still fascinated by the world and stories she had created. So I finally decided that jury duty would be a good time to finish the series and read Imago.

I was not disapointed.
The entire trilogy was interesting from start to finish. I am not sure why it took me two years to read.
The series imagines a future, after a catastrophic war, where the human race is saved by aliens that mix their species with humans to create a new, more stable life form. It's a little freaky but really interesting.
I don't want to give anything away so I will stop here. but i'd definitely recommend it.

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