Tuesday, May 1, 2007

something literary

I feel as if my posts have gotten pretty off track with the literary thing. I mean there's certainly been writing but I don't think I've read a single non-school book since I started this blog. And I really don't think I've written anything new to post here. But luckily I used to have motivation to write.
I must say I am excited that this semester is almost over. Partly because I get a month of not doing an enormous amount of school work (seriously, this program gives A LOT of work) but also because when I finish, and let's assume I will pass, I will actually have credits towards my MLS. This I believe will do a lot for my psyche. Ha, I just wrote psycho. I wonder what Freud would say about that...anyway, I will feel accomplished. And, that's always a nice feeling. It's the feeling I used to get when I finished reading a good book. Or writing something.

And, on that note, I will actually have time to read a little something once the semester is over too. And, I would really like that.

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