Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dead High Yearbook

According to the syllabus online, Dead High Yearbook is the only reading due this week. Maybe because the talk to teen papers are due this week too.

I am not sure how to write an entire blog about that book. I am sure teens like it, it's a cool concept and the pictures are big and colorful. I kinda liked it. But not enough to really write something lengthy about it. I liked how some of the stories were interconnected. And, I didn't feel particularly bad for any of the teens who died. I guess that says something. I guess since the deaths were all supernatural, it made it more amusing than sad. Unlike, Looking for Alaska where a teen dies (and makes you cry for, I dunno, hours on end.)

I think for this week we were also supposed to watch the Dark Knight. I think I am the only person in the world who has yet to see that movie. But, I really don't like superhero movies. I don't like Spiderman, or Superman or the last million Batman movies. So, I will apologize for not watching it but I just can't bring myself to do it. I find them dark and depressing and Batman is especially depressing, and I'm not even referring to Heath Ledger.

Oh, and I'll take this time to mention that I will be doing my annotations on something related to Twilight. I know this is shocking.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Yeah, Dead High is definitely for reluctant readers who don't want to dip too deeply into a story, even if it is gross. I think we pretty much captured everything we need to say about it in class.

The Dark Knight was soooooo creepy.
'Nuff said :)