Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Death Note with a little bit of Poison

I LOVED that Death Note's subtitle was Boredom, because I think it summed up how I felt while reading it.

That being said, I don't blame the book. I don't think I'm the target audience for Manga, especially not Manga about death g-ds or whatever that thing was supposed to be.

I am sure this book appeals to teenage boys in a major way. And I think that's a good thing. In fact a few of my male coworkers saw the book at my desk and were like, ooh Death Note. And they've watched the cartoon.

I'm not one to think that just because I don't like a book it has no merit. I think most books probably provide something to the audience, I don't necessarily have to be the person who it's for.

I just didn't understand where Light was coming from, he wanted to use it for good and yet he'd have killed L because he was looking for him. Plus I just didn't care whether or not they caught him, or who died or why.

Also, I had difficulty reading it backwards, and I grew up reading Hebrew, so this is totally my own special fault.

Onwards, I am a huge fantasy fan. I cannot even tell you how many fantasy series I have read through (hm...Twilight anyone?) But, I just didn't connect that well with Poison.

Actually, that's inaccurate. I like happy endings. And, the end of Poison didn't satisfy me because the one thing she wanted to accomplish she wasn't able to. She wanted her sister back and it didn't happen. Sure, all these other things happened, and she made a whole new family, but the one thing she set out to do she didn't do.

So, I guess I liked it. I just could have liked it better. I haven't read any of the author's other works, but I've heard they are good, so maybe I'll try that and see.

I don't know if teens go for this book or not. I can't decide. It didn't take long to read, and I was curious as to where the book was going, but there's a lot of fantasy out. I am not sure how someone makes their mark in that genre at this point.


Annie said...

It's like you read my mind. I couldn't make it through Deathnote. I tried...I was just SO bored. And the whole reading it backwards was a difficult concept for me to grasp.

Jack said...

Too bad about Deathnote...I found it riveting and confusing and thought-provoking on so many different levels. And, teens L.O.V.E. it...which doesn't mean we have to. It sounds like you already earned some serious street cred just reading it at the library!

Confession: I think Poison is awesome, but I secretly hate fantasy. It just doesn't speak to me. It's like, I have to be duped with a character's bad attitude to get interested in it--like Poison.

Another fantasy favorite is Holly Black's Valiant where there are fairies and trolls (HATE HATE HATE fairies and trolls usually), but you get totally tricked because it starts off with this sassy teen girl walking in on her mom and boyfriend making out. She runs away from home and lives homeless in the NYC subway shooting up with these other homeless teens...what are they shooting up? Why fairy dust, of course!!! So I was totally hooked by everything and then came the fairies and trolls...that's just my humble reading opinion. I think it's great that love fantasy because there are so many teens out there who love it.

Maybe you can give me some suggestions on what to assign next semester for fantasy?